Iron Age Designs

Decorative drain grates by Iron Age Designs enhance home patios or commercial streetscapes. With decorative grating to fit MEA®, J.R. Smith and NDS trench drain systems, Iron Age Designs allows you to adapt to your project needs.
Catch basin sun grate

Catch Basin Grates

Iron Age decorative catch basin grates fit a number of square and round basins for residential or streetscape applications. Choose your decorative catch basin grate by size.

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Channel Grates

The strength of Iron Age’s product line is centered in their trench drain grating. Offering more than two dozen patterns of decorative cast iron drain grates for off-the-shelf trench drain systems, Iron Age provides a grate to meet any size trench drain.

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Oblio Tree Grate

Tree Grates

As the tree grows, break-away sections of the grating can be utilized to make the interior diameter larger and allow for un-constricted growth. All Iron Age cast iron tree grates are vehicle safe and ADA compliant.

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Decorative Drain Grates

Baked on Oil Finish

Trench Drain System’s Baked on Oil Finish (BooF) is a pre-rusting process which seals in a chocolate brown, natural looking, weathered appearance and bypasses the initial rusting episode.

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Interlaken Iron Age Radius Grate

Radius Grates

Iron Age radius grates make curved trench drains a possibility like never before. Choose a decorative radius grate to meet your project specifications.

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